More re-batching with my basic recipe of olive oil (infused with mint), palm kernel oil, coconut oil and a tablespoon of castor oil at trace. I also made a mint tea for the re-batch. That was for the top layer (which was the bottom layer in the mold when I re-batched) and for my log embeds.
Those were a lot of fun to make. And I like the way the look. I rolled the logs in some crushed mint while they were still moist and added more crushed mint over them. I love texture! And I love layers!
The light green is just a regular cold process.
I'm a little upset about the fragrance. I thought I was buying pomegranate essential oil at Michael's since that's what it said on the package. It turns out there's no such thing as pomegranate essential oil. There's pomegranate seed oil and pomegranate fragrance oil—but not pomegranate essential oil.
I'm a little peeved. I didn't even want pomegranate but it was all that they had and I'd schlepped all the way to the Upper Westside. Sorta feel like complaining, but threw out the packaging (I think it was a company called Party Time).
Lesson learned. Will only buy essential oils from the places I really know in NYC—Exotic Fragrances in Spanish Harlem, Whole Foods Market, Westerly Natural Market and Scents Elate—which is right in Hell's Kitchen.
It smells nice at least. I'm just a stickler about using the real thing.